Amazing Articles About Eos Platform

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  • Solar panel with a piggy bank

    How to calculate the investment and return on investment in solar energy?

    To determine the configuration of a solar photovoltaic system to serve a house with 5 rooms, 4 residents, 4 air conditioners, 3 computers, 3 televisions, and additional smart devices like tablets, we need to estimate the daily energy consumption. 1. Energy Consumption Assessment 1.1 Air Conditioners Assuming each air conditioner has a power rating of…

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  • Virtual Power Plant Representation

    The Virtual Power Plant – Business Models

    The aim of the original article is to present a critical comparison of different business models (BM) of Virtual Power Plant (VPP) pointing out both the common and the unique features for each model. The author compares American, German, Finnish, Danish and Australian VPP’s business models (BM) to propose a business model to Poland. In…

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  • Virtual Power Plant Concept

    Virtual Power Plants: A Revolution in the Renewable Energy Sector

    Distributed generation (DG) of electrical energy generated through photovoltaic panels According to ABSOLAR (2023), the solar energy sector, in Brazil, generated R$33 billion in investments in the first half of 2023, accumulating more than R$170 billion in new investments since 2012, R$47.9 billion in taxes generating one million jobs accumulated. Avoiding the emission of 42.8…

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  • Imagem 2

    Pay-As-You-Go financing: A model for deployment of solar home systems in rural areas ofpoor countries

    The last IPPC report, AR6 (IPCC, 2023) has made it clear that equity is essential for effectiveclimate action. prioritizing equity, social justice, and climate justice, we can build a more sustainable future for all. Finance, technology, and international cooperation are critical enablers for accelerated climate action. Enhancing technology innovation systems is key to accelerate the…

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