Improving America’s Housing

September 10, 2024


In recent years, the residential remodeling sector in the United States has experienced significant growth and presents several opportunities for future investment.

The increase in homeowners’ spending on energy-related improvement projects, disaster recovery and preparedness, and accessibility modifications are some of the key areas that deserve attention.

Based on the e-book “Improving America’s Housing 2023,” prepared by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, we have gathered some information that will address many of your questions on the subject. Below, you’ll find the details.

Retrofitting and its Relationship with Energy Efficiency

The growing interest in energy efficiency and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have driven homeowners’ spending on energy-related improvement projects.

In 2021, for instance, these expenditures totaled $111 billion, a number three times greater than in 2001 and representing 34% of the total spending in the residential remodeling market.

Roof replacements, HVAC systems, windows and doors replacements, siding replacements, water heaters and built-in equipment, electrical upgrades, and insulation additions or replacements were some of the significant areas of investment.

With the aging housing stock, the demand for energy efficiency improvements will continue to grow, supported by public incentives and financing to make homes more energy-efficient.

Electrification is also becoming a trend and will create new opportunities for companies offering clean energy solutions.

Natural Disasters and Damage Recovery

Weather- and climate-related disasters have become more frequent, devastating, and resulting in higher expenses for the restoration of damaged homes.

To give you an idea, spending on disaster repairs has increased significantly: it reached $20 billion in 2021 alone, a number surpassing the average annual spending of $17 billion recorded in the 2010s

Events like snow, hail, and windstorms accounted for almost half of these expenses (44%).

With the likelihood of more disasters in the future, investments in disaster repairs and mitigation offer substantial growth opportunities for the residential remodeling industry.

Attention to Modifications and Accessibility

We draw your attention to the fact that numerous homes in the United States lack accessibility features for individuals with limited mobility.

The growing elderly population and the demand for homes that allow aging in place increase the need for accessibility modifications.

Projects aimed at improving accessibility include removing architectural barriers, installing elevators, and creating more functional spaces for those using assistive mobility devices.

As more families seek to adapt their homes to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities, the accessibility modification market will continue to grow.

Read this article as well: What is Solar Energy Financing and How Does it Work?

Impact on Low-Income Families and Inequality

It’s important to highlight the disproportionate impact of remodeling expenses on low-income homeowners and historically marginalized communities.

Low-income families often struggle to afford costs related to replacements and basic maintenance, which can result in poor housing conditions and affect their health and safety.

High improvement costs and limited access to financial resources make these families particularly vulnerable.

Public assistance, such as tax credits and discounts offered through government programs like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Climateization Assistance Program in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, play a crucial role in alleviating this financial burden.

Under the IRA, low-income families receive discounts that offset remodeling costs. This is essential to make energy-efficient improvements and other modifications accessible to these communities.

Black homeowners also face additional challenges related to energy insecurity and energy-related difficulties.

Therefore, investments in programs aimed at reducing these disparities are essential to ensure that all segments of the population have access to safe and energy-efficient homes.

Resilience of the Residential Remodeling Industry

Despite short-term challenges like rising project costs, financing constraints, labor shortages, and material shortages, the residential remodeling industry has shown resilience.

The market’s diversification, with a greater focus on necessary replacement projects and disaster repairs, has made the industry less vulnerable to economic downturns.

Homeowners still hold record levels of home equity ($30 trillion from late 2019 to the third quarter of 2022), providing incentives and resources for ongoing improvements.

The aging housing stock also contributes to the sustainability of remodeling expenditures.

As older homes require major component and systems replacements, the demand for remodeling services remains strong.

Moreover, demographic changes like an aging population and the entry of the millennial generation (Generation Y) into the housing market will further heat up remodeling activity.

Long-Term Outlook

The future of the residential remodeling industry in the United States looks promising. Various trends and factors suggest that spending on home improvements and repairs will continue to grow.

In addition to the previously mentioned areas, the increase in remote work and lifestyle changes resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic also encourage investment in renovation and repairs.

Public and nonprofit entities play a crucial role in promoting public assistance programs and grants for energy efficiency improvements, accessibility, and disaster recovery.

Expanding these programs is essential to meet the growing needs and inequalities in the housing sector.

Ultimately, the need to improve and repair homes in the United States remains constant.

The demand for companies and entrepreneurs offering innovative and affordable solutions will continue as a trend, making the residential remodeling sector a promising area for future investments.

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Visit Eos Academy and check out more articles that we, at Eos Loan, have produced about housing improvements, tips and curiosities about photovoltaic energy, solar project financing, and other related topics.

Luis Otavio Avatar

Luis Otavio has been working with solar energy for over 13 years now and was one of the pioneers in the Brazilian market. As one of our main content contributors, he brings a lot in terms of strategic vision, market trends, and technical expertise.


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